Sunday, June 29, 2008


At work, where I now have 2 patients. I was going to have 2 anyways... but not the same two I have now. I had a woman patient but she got here and was like "ewww! is that paint I smell? I'm allergic to paint" And she tells me that she will see if she can handle the smell, but she's not sure. And so i take her to her room and she says, "oh, it is hot in here.. do you have a fan that I can use?" "SUUUURE I'll get that for you, but here is some paper work for you to fill out blah blah blah... " and she stops me and motions me to come closer to her... I say "yes?" and she says "Can-you-get-me-a-fan?" I wanted to punch this lady! I said I would! calm down!! So I go get her stupid fan.. come back and she is saying "nope! I can't do this! I can feel my throat closing up to the fumes".... we have been here in this new building for a month and a half... I dont think the fumes hang out that long. And if they did... they are not strong enough to affect anyone... not even annoying women like her! ugh! And one of the other patients that I have was telling Matt... the guy that I was working with at first, that charging him for this was just another communist plot. He delt with it in the Cold War and now, now..... ummmm great! sounds like he will be fun. But he actually wasnt that bad. Just surprised that I was still going to hook him up like they did last time. yes sir we are still going to monitor your heart rate and brain waves... sorry if you are dumb and didnt think so. And then my last patient... the best.. is just a normal guy, 2 years older than me, drives a BMW, has a girlfriend. But I have had nooooo problems with him yet!

Other than that, I am planning on going to church tomorrow... or rather today... to this brunch thing they are having.

Then next weekend in the 4th of July... then the weekend after that I am thinking about going home to Huntsville. Cause I miss everyone there!!!

Well back to work i s'pose

Friday, June 27, 2008

whistle while you work

Looking forward to the weekend... Not just this weekend but also next weeked. Going to get to see good friends! Allison Barker and Andrew are on there way to Austin as we speak, and I am trying to work a deal so I can get off so to see my buddies! And then next weekend Schleif is coming to town to hang out explore Austin. And I will show him around and show him whats what. As long as I don't have to work.... *crosses fingers* At least I have off for the 4th... everyone does! Hooray! But it doesnt change the fact that I am down to work the 3rd... 5th... and 6th. *sigh* damnit.

I DONT HAVE TO WORK!!! Just called and asked. The deal took it, and I will cover for that tech sometime next month. WOOT WOOT!!

Well I better start picking up around here then!

Monday, June 23, 2008


For some reason I have been having the weirdest dreams. I just had one that woke me up about 5 hours before I planned to.
It was about me, heading home to my parents to spend some time with them, and I planned to watch a movie and take a nap while I waited for them to get out of work, at their place. Well I get there and there are these 2 guys working on the yard to the left of the house, I see them but I think nothing of it. But all of the sudden the skinny black guy says something to his friend and his friend walks off, and the black guy starts walking to me. And he comes up to me and starts asking how i was doing.. but getting too close, then he grabs my bag to get me to get closer to him and I am pulling on it to get him to let go and leave me alone. And I realize that noone is around if I were to scream, cause on a weekday in my parent's neighborhood everyone is at work. But then I remember... I have this cop's card to use in case of emergency.. so somehow I pull away and I find it and look at it... it is the detective off of Law and Order:CI, the guy. And then I wake up. I think I have been watching too much of that show.
A few days ago I had this dream that I was still with Marty and I had called him and asked him if he wanted to spend the night with me. He said yeah, and asked if I could pick him up. So I went to get him... which it turns out he lived in my apartment complex. So I go to the door and he answers and says... "hang on, be right out" So I go around to the side door (didnt know apartments had side doors....)and there is Juan's old roommate.. the one that looked like a hobbit.. who stole my hydrocodone from my tonsilectomy, and he came out to say hi, then following right behind him was Juan.. in the apartment... where Marty lived.. Marty came out.. and we left.. and I woke up... freaked out.
THEN a few days before THAT, I had a dream about my mom's old boss's son (Amanda, you know who I am talking about here), I was at this church thing and he happened to be there and I remembered that I forgot something somewhere and had no way to get there... and he said "oh I'll take you" So we hop in his car and we are driving away from where we are and he rubs the small of my back... I feel it like it is real! and I got chills... the good ones. Then he puts his hand on my leg. And THEN I wake up.. UGH! Such a good... weird dream!