Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Found muscles!

So I found some muscles that I didn't know I had!! WOW! I was moving ALLL day yesterday and then some last night too. ... after my date :) After the date, I went back to the old apartment to pick up the pets.. got to the new place.. got the ferrets out.. and shut the trunk with some other things in hand.. unfortunately.. my keys and phone were NOT in hand. they were laying very quietly.. and sneaky I might add, in my trunk. And at 5 am, guess how many people are around, hint: none. So while sammy lay quietly.. and maybe a little sneaky in the back seat I tried with all my might to open the door with a hanger, that eventually broke in 3 places. FINALLY a neighbor came out and asked what the matter was and in turn lent me her phone and phone book to call a locksmith. I like this new place soo much! :) SO I called.. and they came, at 6:30. The guy who showed up could NOT have been more rude. I am going to call that company and tell them that because of him, I will NEVER use their company again... and I lock my keys in my car ALOT!!

But all was well, I am sore from head to toe, bruised, scratched, and exhausted! The next week will be me unpacking, moving furniture around, painting my mural.. and talking to this new guy. Very nice guy. I think it may be a future boyfriend...


Amanda Deardorff said...

woowoo!!! you'll have to tell me more details soon!!! glad you like your new place!

Amanda Deardorff said...

i do wanna come see you this summer! we'll just have to find a good weekend. I want you to come see us too so there! :o)